Thursday, November 30, 2017

Genesys - Fallout Theme

It's November 30th, the official release date for Fantasy Flight Game's newest game, Genesys. I've been raving about this system since it was announced, and am excited and pleased that this date has finally arrived. Not only because it means I'll soon have my hands on a physical copy of this wonderful game, but also because I can finally share my latest evolution of "Edge of the Wasteland", my Fallout hack for Edge of the Empire that I wrote back in 2015.

Over on the D20 Radio blog is my latest article along with a link to my 20 page Fallout Theme for Genesys. Head on over to D20 Radio and check out the article there, and be sure to download a copy of the theme for your personal use.

I've been working on this document for months, testing it and tweaking it. I'm pretty proud of the final product, and look forward to adding to the material over the next few months. More importantly, I'm interested in hearing back from folks who use the theme and their experiences with it.

Naturally, I'm eager to throw this down in front of my own gaming group and get more adventures in the wasteland going.

So here's to Genesys and a big congratulations to Sam Stewart and his team at FFG! Thank you so much for this game and I'm looking forward to running many adventures with this tool-set.

May the dice be with you.