Monday, July 29, 2013

Fantasy Flight Imports: Part 5, The Jedi Knights

I'm starting to write this on Tuesday night, July 23rd, listening to FFG Devs Jay Little and Sam Stewart on the Order 66 Podcast.  They're on talking rules, and taking rules questions.  I've got several in the mix, but I'm wondering if they'll get to them with all the commentary and tangenting.

It's Friday now, having completely missed Thursday.  I blame work, overtime, and a desire last night to watch giant robots beat the crap out of kaiju.  The week is still hectic, the phone at work is still ringing, but I'm on my lunch break and want to get this closer to done.

I've got two characters left to cover in my Saga-to-Edge conversion, both of them Jedi.  Both of them drawing exclusively from homebrewed rules for careers and talents.

Tycho Ventor (Skywalker)

It's an alternate universe, a galaxy different from the one George Lucas presented.  Late last year, this PC found out he's actually the son of Anakin Skywalker, and that padawan of Kenobi's that the group fought on Centerpoint station (and knocked out a bridge window and blew her into space to defeat) is his sister.  After a trip to Mortis, which no one remembers, it's time for him to start along the path of eliminating the greatest threat the Jedi Order has known in recent memory; Supreme Chancellor Obi-Wan Kenobi.

To anyone not following my Order 65 campaign, this may seem strange...

Like everyone else in the party, Tycho was converted on a 300xp award scale.  He's a Force Wizard, someone who's more skilled with Force attacks than lightsaber combat.  That actually doesn't translate too well to EotE, given the lack of any real offensive Force power other than Move.  Fortunately, most of Tycho's attacks were based on telekinesis, so we can replicate a lot of his Force Powers pretty well.

Here's a brief rundown on how Tycho looked...
Human Male Jedi 7, Jedi Knight 2
Str 10, Con 10, Dex 16, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 14
Skills: Acrobatics, Galactic Lore, Perception, Pilot, Use the Force.
Talents: Telekinetic Savant, Telekinetic Prodigy, Dark Side Sense, Resist the Dark Side, Echoes in the Force.
Feats: Force Training x3, Skill Focus (Use the Force), Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (Lightsabers), Unstoppable Force, Force Regimen Mastery.
Force Powers (14): Force Slam, Force Whirlwind, Mind Trick, Farseeing, Move Object x3, Force Shield x2, Rebuke x2, Vital Transfer, Negate Energy, Force Track.
Force Regimens (4): Quiet the Mind, Telekinetic Practice, Vo’ren’s First Cadence, Vo’Ren’s Fourth Cadence.
Force Techniques: Force Point Recovery
Anyone who's played or read through Edge of the Empire, and my Edge of the Jedi document can see where this is a challenge.  There is no Farseeing, no Force Track power.  His main defensive abilities, Rebuke, Negate Energy, and Force Shield, don't exist.  There are no Force Regimens in the game.  Doesn't matter; the focus of this Jedi is Force Use, so that's where I focused the spending of XP. 

Working with the player, we started in the Consular tree.  Tycho's aiming for as much Force Rating as he can get, so let's see how we got there.  I was still working with update 1.01 at this time, and hadn't moved Well Rounded to the 15pt row.  We started there and picked up Gunnery and Pilot-Space; he's playing Luke Skywalker, and he's supposed to be a hot pilot.  From there it's as straight a shot to Force Rating as we can get; Researcher, Grit, Nobody's Fool, Steely Nerves, Touch of Fate, and finally Force Rating.  From there we go to the Balanced Lightsaber Style tree starting at Side Step, and then taking Shii-Cho and Natural Duelist.  We skip Steely Nerves because he already bought it in Consular, and can go right to his second Force Rating talent, giving him a Force Rating of 3.

Tycho dove heavily into Move, taking 3 Magnitude Upgrades, 2 Strength Upgrades, 2 Range Upgrades, and the first Control Upgrade (able to deal damage with Move).  If he rolls well, Tycho can move 4 objects up to Silhouette 2 a distance of two range bands with enough force to deal damage.  He can also replicate Force Slam and Force Whirlwind with this spread.  To replicate the disorientation of Force Whirlwind, Tycho will want to spend Advantages and Triumphs rolled on the Discipline check to penalize his target.  Tycho has enough Influence to pull the occasional Mind Trick, and Sense to be able to upgrade the difficulty of two incoming attacks.  That's really the best we're going to get with his Force Defense at this juncture, until more Force Powers are released (or home-brewed).

After playing for 4-5 hours (without a single combat encounter, I might add), the player marveled at how tricky it was to be a Force Wizard in EotE.  Force Rating 3 sounds like a lot, but the few times he rolled the player only drew one Light Side point.  According to Anydice, you've got a 63% chance to roll 2 Force Points or more.  Only a 32% chance to roll 3 or more Force Points.  More often than not, Tycho is going to have to choose upgrading range, magnitude, or strength.  That could be real problematic for combat.  Force Rating 4 is slightly better, giving him just about even-odds to get three Force Points that he can use.  While the player's initial impression is that his Force Wizard concept is now broken, he seems willing to see where it goes.

Nicaela Euripedies

Oh, Nicaela; my lovely, darling Jedi Amazon.  Have you been reading up on the latest incarnations of Wonder Woman?  Because there are many similarities here.  Strong, sword-wielding women, both are characters willing to tread on the edge of darkness in the pursuit of justice.

My difficulties for Nicaela were vast.  First, not only was she a custom career, she's also a custom race.  no one, not even the Unofficial Species Menagerie, had done a conversion for Miraluka.  There's just so much to her character, that with the way I made the home-brewed Jedi Career makes her build go off sideways in some areas.  If I had an extra 50-100xp, she'd be perfect (more on this later).  So, more so than any other character, I had to go with what "best fit" and "felt right".

Here's what I'm working with.

Miraluka Female Jedi 7/Jedi Knight 3
Str 16, Con 12, Dex 10, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 14
Defenses: Fort 22, Ref 21, Will 24
Skills: Acrobatics, Perception, Use the Force
Talents: Block, Deflect, Weapon Spec (Lightsaber), Shii-Cho
Feats: Force Training x2, Weapon Focus (Lightsaber), Skill Focus (UtF), Instinctive Attack, Power Attack, Cleave, Great Cleave
Force Powers (8): Battle strike, Kinetic combat, Draw Closer, Negate Energy, Surge, Assured Strike
Force Techniques: Force Point Recovery

Let's get the race problem out of the way.  Through many ideas and incarnations, I ended up going with the suggestion of a couple folks on the D20 Radio Forums;
  • All Stats at Base 2
  • Force Sight: Removes one Setback die caused by low-light conditions
  • Free Skill Rank in Perception or Vigilance
  • 100 starting XP
With that as a base line, my first issue was her starting XP.  I spent 30xp into Willpower and 70xp into Brawn to get it to 3 and 4 respectively.  4 is a little high for her Saga version, closer to an 18 than a 16, but giving her such a high Brawn makes her more of a tank and melee monster.  This definitely fit her playstyle over the years.

She's a combat Jedi, so naturally she started with the Guardian tree.  With the Shii-Cho talent and the Draw Closer lightsaber power (Niman), the next tree for her is the Balanced Lightsaber Style tree.  To cover the cost of buying another rank of Discipline (to qualify for the Balanced tree), I needed to give her a total of 15 starting Obligation (everyone else has 5, except Lucas who had 10).  Based on her role-playing choices and backstory, I found a couple good fits.  Nicaela likes to use the Force; a lot,. to the point that it's actually a minor addiction (that she can try to work off through game play, if she wants to).  This has caused the Jedi Order to become a bit more strict and is "keeping an eye on her".  This can cause some stress to her and the rest of the party as it affects Nicaela's mood.

No one likes being around a moody Jedi.  Well...maybe, Padme; but look what happened to her.

Talents! Two ranks of Uncanny Reactions makes her Vigilance checks all kinds of interesting, rolling 3 green Ability Dice and 2 blue Boost dice. Precise Aim replicates her Assured Strike power, and Shii Cho Master takes care of her "mass mook killing" feats (Cleave/Great Cleave).  Shii Cho, Deflection Training, and Deflect Blasters covers her Lightsaber defense powers.  Niman allows for some "Saber and Force" combo that she had in Saga Edition, except that now she has Pushing Slash instead of Draw Closer (which is what my Niman Mastery talent covers).

With Force powers, I had to shave points some more.  She has enough Move to grab a Silhouette 1 target (person-sized) and move them around.  She can also rip items off of mountings or out of people's hands, and manipulate objects as if she were handling them.  That last one covers her Kinetic Combat power, except that its now a little bit better.  Now she can technically use her talents as if she were wielding the lightsaber.  As a consequence to all this, Nicalea also now effectively has Move Object, allowing her to move things around even to the point of being able to deal damage with them.

So, as I said, it's really a best fit solution, but I think she found it to be a fun one.

Final Thoughts

I finally ran my first Order 65 game while using the Edge of the Empire ruleset.  It was a solid 5 hours of recap and plot reveals.  Finding out and deciding where to go in the campaign.  They had opportunities to have or avoid combat, and ended up avoiding all of it.  It was solid and fun.

Sadly, I didn't get much of a chance to test my combat talents from my Edge of the Jedi document.  I may not get a chance to before October, either.  A consequence of gaming with many folks with many interests and obligations is that entire months are booked solid well in advance.  We are talking about running these characters and stats through an old combat encounter over Roll20.  I'd certainly like to do that, if only to see how my talents play out.

One thing that surprised me is how unreliable Force Rating 3 is for generating enough Force Points to run powers without the Jedi having to draw on the Dark Side.  Out of three rolls, I think Tycho had one roll that could activate the power he wanted.  Nicalea had a similar issue, except that her character said "ta hell with it" and flipped that Destiny Point and took that strain and activated her Move power.  It was awesome, and an aspect of her character that never came out before because the player kept thinking more tactically, not narratively.  She was really pleased with this, and I think we're going to see a lot more of Nicaela's dark side.


I built all these characters (from my Fantasy Flight Imports articles) on 300 awarded points, and only dipped into bonus XP from taking on more starting Obligation where it fit and was desperately needed (Nicaela).  That was based on the Beta Rulebook, where the award per session was 15 for a good session, with occasional bonuses for major milestones.  Now the official Core Rulebook lists the session award at 20xp plus the occasional bonus 5xp for milestones.  Jay Little also went so far as to say (on the Order 66 podcast) that a good measure is "5xp per hour of meaningful gaming, where the story is moving along".  He states that your average game session is 75% actual gaming, 25% people BS-ing around and having out-of-game commentary. 

Assuming these numbers, the Order 65 characters are probably closer to 375-400xp.  I'm probably going to end up awarding these additional XP, but not yet.  Not until I get a chance to see how the cahracters play with the stats they have.  I'll let the PCs get used to what they've got and then give them this extra XP to buy what they want.  I may give suggestions if I just couldn't fit in something (like Nicaela's Draw Closer/Niman Mastery ability), but ultimately I'll let them spend it where they want it. 

Man, this post took a lot longer to get out there than I thought.  It's Monday the 29th now; one week after I started working on this document.  Maybe I'll change gears and go into ranty banter on the First of August.  Or maybe I'll do something else entirely.  We'll have to see.

Likes long walks on the beach, candlelight dinners,
and guys who slaughter entire clans of Sandpeople.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Fantasy Flight Imports: Part 4, Zen and Zorro

Time to move on my conversions of the more difficult, and highly customized, characters from my Order 65 Campaign.  The character group includes a couple pretty colorful characters, but no more so than these next to.  One is a light-foil wielding duelist cut from the cloth of pulp-fiction.  The other is pink.

Hey, you define colorful on your own time, I'll define it on mine. 

Once again, I'll start with a comment to check out the first article in this series to read about my conversion theory.  Today I'm focusing purely on the results of moving characters from Saga Edition Star Wars RPGs to FFG's Star Wars RPG Edge of the Empire.

 So,without further ado, let's talk conversions.

Sir Lucas Paddox

Lucas is perhaps one of my favorite characters, of all time.  He's a pulp hero in Star Wars; an alter-ego super-hero.  Much like the Green Hornet, Zorro, and Batman; Lucas is a costumed crusader who fights for the down-trodden, protects the innocent from the shadows, and instills fear in those who would prey upon them..

This is what I have to work with.

Lucas Paddox                                                     CL 10
Medium Human noble 3/scoundrel 1/Jedi 4/crime lord 2
Init +13; Senses Perception +11
Languages Basic, 5 unassigned
Defenses Ref 25 (flat-footed 22), Fort 22, Will 25; Block, Elusive Target
hp 78; Threshold 22
Speed  6 squares
Melee archaic lightfoil +9 (2d8+6) or
Melee archaic lightfoil +9 (2d8+7) with both hands
Ranged sporting blaster pistol +10 (3d4+5)
Base Atk +7; Grp +10
Atk Options Acrobatic Strike, Improved Disarm, Melee Defense, Point Blank Shot, Sneak Attack +1d6
Special Actions Presence
Force Powers Known (Use The Force +17) battle strike, cloak, mind trick, surge
Abilities Str 12, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 15
Special Qualities build lightsaber, command cover +1
Talents Block, Elusive Target, Inspire Fear I, Inspire Fear II, Noble Fencing Style, Presence, Sneak Attack
Feats Acrobatic Strike, Force Sensitivity, Force Training (2), Improved Disarm, Linguist, Melee Defense, Point Blank Shot, Skill Focus (Use the Force), Weapon Proficiency (lightsabers, pistols, simple weapons)
Skills Acrobatics +13, Deception +12, Initiative +13, Perception +11, Persuasion +12, Stealth +13, Use the Force +17
Possessions archaic lightfoil, sporting blaster pistol, utility belt (3 day food supply, medpac, tool kit, power pack, energy cell, glow rod, comlink, liquid cable dispenser)

Lucas was a difficult conversion for me; given the option I'd have him draw from Scoundrel, Thief, Marauder, Force Sensitive Exile, Politic, and my Fast Lightsaber Style tree from my Edge of the Jedi doc.  Since that would be a prohibitive amount of his 300xp limit, I set about trying to find the "best fit" in as few trees as possible.  Looking over my options, I need two trees that give Lucas talents to be like the pulp heroes that inspired him.  Maybe because I always thought of him as more of a Zorro analogue than anything else, I wanted him to be able to taunt his foes like any good, dashing swordsman with his rapier would.  He needed to be sneaky, because these vigilante heroes work in the shadows.  He needs to be able to keep his alter-ego separate from his heroic persona, and be convincing about it.  Finally, he needs the Force, because that's where this hero gets his "Super Powers".

I settled on starting Lucas as a Smuggler/Thief, as that gave me a lot of skills and highly useful talents.  Jumping over to the Politico and buying into the Scathing Tirade path gives Lucas the chance to really degrade and fluster his opponents into making mistakes.  Finally, jumping into the Force Exile tree gets Lucas some really useful talents.  I got him invested all the way up to Superior Reflexes to get a bump to his Melee Defense, which helps replicate his Block talent from Saga.

We've always envisioned The Stratt as wearing protective armor, at the very least a full face-mask to hide his identity.  It was never really armor in Saga Edition, though; Lucas could never spare the feats on Armor Proficiency.  Now, in EotE, The Stratt can finally get his armor.  Looking at the image for it, it's probably most like "Armored Clothing", giving him a little Soak value boost and a good Defense base.

His weapon of choice was another custom job.  Much like Marin's Targeting Rifle, I needed to home-brew his ancient Light-foil.  I made it a base 7 damage weapon, 3 less than lightsabers.  I also reduced the Vicious rating to 1, instead of 2.  These weapons are supposed to have thinner blades.  The ancient ones made by the Mecosia artisans are exceptionally balanced, granting it a base Accuracy quality of 1.  Adding in the Superior quality bumps up the damage 1, and gives the weapon an additional Advantage point on every attack.

The Stratt also has a high Obligation, due to him broadcasting his firing of the Centerpoint Station gravity cannon at the Death Star, killing Supreme Chancellor Mon Motha after she used the Death Star to destroy Corellia (...hey, it's an Alternate Universe Game; these things happen).  The Stratt is still wanted by the Republic, and while the heat has cooled off some, it's still hanging over his head.  If the public makes the connection between Lucas Paddox, bad-boy noble from the Taipani Sector and The Stratt, vigilante hero wanted for killing hundreds of thousands of Republic Soldiers and the insane Supreme Chancellor, things may get real interesting for him and the rest of the party...


The first of the true Jedi character conversions.  A zeltron taught at an isolated Jedi Temple, she doesn't quite comprehend the effect she has on others due to her being an incredibly attractive zeltron.  She's innocent, and inexperienced when it comes to the larger galaxy.  The biggest problem I faced is that some abilities were taken by the Jedi based on game mechanics issues.  No Jedi worth his salt lacks Rebuke, and Negate Energy is effectively a once-per-encounter heal.  Ataru is a common Talent to take for any Jedi that invested in Dexterity over Brawn.  These are choices that, given the current system, may not have been made.

Glendora                                                             CL 10
Medium Zeltron Jedi 7/Jedi Knight 3
Init +7; Senses Perception +7
Languages Basic, 1 unassigned
Defenses Ref 24 (flat-footed 22), Fort 22, Will 24
hp 96; Threshold 22
Speed  6 squares
Melee double-bladed lightsaber +12 (2d8+7) or
Melee double-bladed lightsaber +12 (2d8+9) with both hands or
Melee double-bladed lightsaber +10 (2d8+9) and double-bladed lightsaber +10 (2d8+9)
Ranged  by weapon +12
Base Atk +10; Grp +12
Atk Options Dual Weapon Mastery
Special Actions Force Fortification, Master Negotiator, Skilled Advisor
Force Powers Known (Use The Force +18) enlighten, mind trick, move object, negate energy, rebuke, surge, vital transfer (2), Shien deflection
Force Techniques Force Point Recovery
Abilities Str 12, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 16
Special Qualities build lightsaber, zeltron pheromones
Talents Adept Negotiator, Ataru, Force Fortification, Force Persuasion, Master Negotiator, Skilled Advisor
Feats Dual Weapon Mastery I, Dual Weapon Mastery II, Force Boon, Force Sensitivity, Force Training (3), Skill Focus (Use the Force), Weapon Proficiency (lightsabers, simple weapons)
Skills Acrobatics +12, Knowledge (life sciences) +11, Perception +7 (+10 to sense deception or sense influence), Persuasion +8 (+13 to change attitudes of non-Zeltron creatures; may Use the Force +18 instead), Use the Force +18 
Possessions double-bladed lightsaber

For Glendora, the task was taking the character that had been played and portrayed more-so than the stats had presented.  She's a Zeltron, so to recreate her I need to tap into the Unofficial Species Menagerie from the Gaming Security Agency website.  

Glendora is a support character; with Force healing, Enlighten, and Force Persuasion.  She was specialized in talking her opponents down (in the case of Saga Edition, "down" meant "the condition track").  I'd considered using the Influence Force power to help replicate this, but looking over my options I feel that the Overwhelm Emotions talent was is a better fit for how she handled herself in combat and situations, using Charm and Negotiate.  This game is so much a better fit for the Jedi who talks his opponents out of fighting, where as in Saga it was a cheap combat tactic to wear down an opponent so the beat-stick in the party could get to attack an opponent suffering -10 to every Defense and d20 check.

Another aspect of her character that wasn't really exploited was her proficiency with a double-bladed lightsaber.  Her stats were decent for using the lightsaber, but it wasn't until she picked up Ataru that she had any luck with hitting with it, even with one attack.  Even then, Ataru felt more like a mechanical choice for a mechanical benefit, rather than Glendora actually fighting with Force-fueled acrobatics.  She seemed like a more basic fighter, skilled with the basics of Shii Cho and likely drifted towards Niman to learn Jar'Kai (the art of two-blade fighting).

The Healing power mentioned here was borrowed from Dono's Ways of the Force document.  It's solid, and makes Force Healing awesome but not overpowered.

And that's that.  Two characters left to cover, both Jedi.  I've actually got them converted already but I haven't written them up like these past reviews.  I've got other things on my plate, like getting the write-up completed for the game session they're all in on Sunday. 

It should be good.  And fun.  And completely bonkers.  This will be the first live playtest of the work I've done, both in this conversion and in my Edge of the Jedi doc.  Let's see how broken it all is.

But enough of this.  Time to stop theorizing, grab some friends, grab some Mt. Dew Code Red, and roll some frikkin' dice.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Edge of the Jedi v1.01

Now that the Edge of the Empire core rulebook has been released, I've gone back and cleaned up a lot of the data, fixed some talents, and put some polish on my Edge of the Jedi document.  I've also incorporated several changes based on feedback from others, especially Jon Stevens and Brett Bowen.

Now, we playtest some more and take notes for version 1.02...


Thursday, July 11, 2013

Fantasy Flight Imports: Part 3, Vandals and Updates

Betcha thought I was going to miss another week, didn't you?

I'm giving myself a bye last week; it was a crazy week at work, which included a holiday that stretches far beyond the actual holiday itself.  Multiple days of cookouts, fireworks, family, friends, and late nights of people setting off cannons around my town while I'm trying to relax in bed.

Yes, I said "cannons".

Frikkin' awesome to hear, actually.  Mostly because they weren't aimed at my house.

In the midst of all this, Christmas in July happened and FFG's Core Rulebook for the Edge of the Empire game was released.  448 pages of awesomeness in a 5 pound tome. There are a few corrections I have to make between the Beta and the Core Rulebook versions of my Order 65 PCs. Nothing too drastic, and some interesting changes in some cases.

In an effort not to bore the crap out of my readership, I'm going to do brief snip-its of my PCs before and after conversion.  I'm going to start with the easier ones, and move on to the hardest ones that require the most custom work.  I'm also going to share the look of Donovan Morningfire's latest version of the character sheet, which includes a column to show exactly what dice the character is rolling for each skill.


The only real change I see comes from Scholar, where his Toughened talent is replaced with a rank in Brace.  A neat change, which will help in in a lot of situations to remove a black SetBack die caused by environmental conditions (not just attacks either, it's any action).  No real changes other than that.


Thankfully, there's no change it Marin.  Everything is the same for our team pilot.


We move on to a new member, one that I haven't shown here.  Vandal is an HK Series Assassin droid who used to belong to a mercenary group called The Brotherhood.  He's something of a walking tank, able to take a severe amount of punishment and deal out death with his blaster rifle.  He's a droid, so he's built for a specific role, and his build reflects that.

Vandal                                                  CL 9
Medium droid (4th-degree) soldier 6/independent droid 1/gunslinger 1/elite trooper 1
Destiny 2; Force 9
Init +14; Senses low-light vision; Perception +12
Languages Basic, Binary, 1 unassigned

Defenses Ref 30 (flat-footed 24), Fort 26, Will 25
hp 89; Threshold 26
Immune droid traits

Speed  6 squares (walking)
Melee unarmed +10 (1d6+6)
Ranged blaster rifle +16 (3d8+4) or
Ranged blaster rifle +11 (3d8+4) with autofire or
Ranged blaster rifle +16 (4d8+4) with Rapid Shot or
Ranged blaster pistol +13 (3d6+4) or
Ranged blaster pistol +13 (4d6+4) with Rapid Shot
Fighting Space 1 square; Reach 1 square
Base Atk +8; Grp +13
Atk Options autofire (blaster rifle), Careful Shot, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Trigger Work
Special Actions Ambush Specialist, Just a Droid, Keep It Going, Quick Draw, Tough as Nails
Abilities Str 14, Dex 21, Con -, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 10
Special Qualities delay damage
Talents Ambush Specialist, Greater Weapon Focus (rifles), Just a Droid, Keep It Going, Tough as Nails, Trigger Work
Feats Armor Proficiency (light, medium), Careful Shot, Martial Arts I, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Quick Draw, Rapid Shot, Weapon Focus (rifles), Weapon Proficiency (heavy weapons, pistols, rifles, simple weapons)
Skills Initiative +14, Mechanics +10, Perception +12, Use Computer +10
Systems walking locomotion, heuristic processor, 2 hand appendages, 2 tool appendages, improved sensor package, translator unit (DC 5), vocabulator, durasteel battle armor (+8 armor)
Possessions blaster pistol, blaster rifle (tech specialist mod; +1 attack) with Double trigger, comlink, Improved Sensor Package, Internal Storage, 2 Tool Mounts (empty), Translator Unit (DC 5)
Czerka Corporation - May use Intelligence or Wisdom modifier instead of Charisma to determine Persuasion modifier

Here's how he looks in Edge of the Empire, as a Bodyguard/Gadgetter.  Bodyguard is a great specialization if you're looking to make a "meat-wall", or in this cased just a "wall".

That's really all I have time for right now.  I'm still working on Lucas, Tycho, Glendora, and Nicaela; our for overt Force Users.  I have some problems converting over Tycho because while Nicaela's defense is based a lot on her Lightsaber, Tycho's defense is based on his use of the Force.  None of my custom work takes such defenses into consideration.

Might be time for me to build a new Force Power...a "Protection" power...