Two years ago I started to create my own rules for a Jedi Career in FFG's
Edge of the Empire RPG and for 18 months my players got to play Jedi in this glorious system. Around about the time when my GenCon Module was debuting at GenCon 2014, FFG dropped their Beta rules for Jedi and Jedi-like characters,
Force and Destiny. When I made my module, I knew I'd want to incorporate the rules for Force Users that FFG would release, especially if I were going to share "The Big Leagues" with the public. I always knew my
Edge of the Jedi rules were temporary; something to bide the time between then and now, and get me running my games with full-blown saber-slingers in my campaigns. I think I had some great ideas that worked at the time, but naturally the material from the original source came in a few notches above mine.
I promised the backers of the D20 Radio Kickstarter that "The Big Leagues" would be released in October. Converting over my Jedi (and Sith) PCs to Force and Destiny was the first step in meeting that commitment.
Update 1: Kira Carsen
Force and Destiny's new careers, I had to find a place to start with Kira. I figured that her brash nature and role as a melee damage-dealer would steer her towards a Lightsaber style. Ataru Striker seemed to fit the best. Ataru Technique allows her to still use Agility with her lightsaber attacks. Her survivability improves with two ranks in Parry and Reflect, and her damage output is high with Improved Parry and Hawk Bat Swoop.
I wanted to give her a second Specialization to improve her Force Rating. In the old version, her Force Rating was 3. In
Force and Destiny, a Force Rating of 2 would work just fine as long as the player is willing to earn some Conflict for her by using Dark Side pips rolled on the Force Dice. I initially chose Seer from the Mystic Career because it was a quick skip to a Force Rating talent and gave her some Grit, Sense Danger, and Uncanny Reactions. Now I'm taking a second look and thinking that Shadow might be better. In fact, I might want to start her with Shadow, given her background as a street rat on Nar Shadda.
Shadow earns her Street Smarts, which could help during the Module. Mental Fortress probably wouldn't affect her too much, so I might just exclude it for the sake of the module. Unrelenting Skeptic would add two Failures to any NPCs trying to use Deception against her. I remember Kira doing some computer work during some of the adventures in SWTOR, so Codebreaker isn't too much of a stretch. However I don't see it being used during the Module too much, so like Mental Fortress I'd probably remove it from her talent list just to streamline as much as I can. If I give her Anatomy Lessons, she'd be able to spend a Destiny Point to add 2 to the damage of any attack, since her Intellect is 2. I could always swap her Intellect for her Cunning and give her a 3, and bump up her Computers a little, but that's stepping on T7's expertise. Maybe I'll bump her Intellect to 3 as well.
For her lightsaber, she's got the Double-bladed Lightsaber (Saberstaff). I wrote these stats before this week's update that increases' the Saberstaff's "Unwieldy" quality to 3, so I'll have to fix that. I gave her a Dantari crystal which has a good base damage and a neat side effect for when she uses it with Hawk Bat Swoop.
Kira's a brave soul, which is reflected in her Emotional Strength. She also tends to be a firebrand, and sometimes that bravery can turn to Anger when push comes to shove, hence that Emotional Weakness. Her Morality is pretty middle of the road, at 55. I'm somewhat tempted to make her a Light-Side Paragon, just to make sure there's always a Light Side point to flip to dark (see Lord Scourge, below).
Looks like I've got some revisions to make on this...
Kira Carsen F&D v1.0
Update 2: Lord Scourge
Thanks to the novel,
Revan, I had a lot of backstory for Scourge to draw from. Unfortunately, I couldn't use a lot of it because it mechanically doesn't make sense. The novel says he uses Soresu and Ataru, which would make him a Agility and Intellect-based duelist. He's also strong, and a melee tank, so he needs a good Brawn too. I've always thought that Sith Purebloods would be Cunning, so I wanted to start his Cunning at 3. He also needs a good Willpower, as he's supposed to be an interrogator of high caliber. That means that Scourge probably wouldn't have a "great" stat (4+) if I gave 3s to all these Characteristics. Heck, this would mean he had 3s in everything but Presence. He'd also have three Specs, because he'd have Soresu Defender, Ataru Striker, and Aggressor (the only Spec that gets Coercion as a class skill). Also because Kira is already an Ataru Striker, I didn't want to double up on those abilities.
So I fudged it a bit.
Scourge has a good Brawn and Willpower at 3, and a high Cunning at 4. Starting as a Warrior and taking Aggressor, he branches over to Shien Expert, which gives him very good melee and ranged defensive abilities. It also gets him access to Saber Throw, which he did a fair bit in
Revan. He can use that high Cunning with his lightsaber skill.
Hmmm...looks like I didn't update his Dice Pools to reflect the lower Brawn score. I'll have to fix that.
Aggressor gives Scourge Fearsome and Intimidating, two very apt and appropriate talents for his background as an Interrogator and as the former "Emperor's Wrath". Shien gets him some good Parry and Reflect ranks as well as Saber Throw. I'm tempted to also give him Falling Avalance from the Djem So side of Shine Expert, but I think that with his Force Powers would be too much.
Scourge doesn't have anything fancy for his lightsaber, just a basic Ilum crystal with two damage boost mods and a Vicious 1 mod.
The hardest part about Scourge was considering his Emotional Strength and Weakness, and his Morality score. I figure his Morality score is in the teens, thanks to his adventures with the Hero of Tython. That makes him a Dark-Side character with a -1 to Strain Threshold and +1 to Wound Threshold. Looking over the options for Emotional attributes, I selected Coldness for his Weakness and Discipline as his strength. The immortality ritual he is under is a constant source of pain, so a rigid discipline and mental will is needed to function. Because of this he has a detached nature, the constant pain has removed almost all traces of compassion and empathy. He remembers warmth, love, the taste of foods, simple pleasures, but he can no longer
feel them. The price of immortality.
Lord Scourge F&D v1.0
Update 3: Nadia Grell
I pretty much had Nadia's build pegged before I really sat down to map her out. The daughter of a diplomat, learning from watching, and possessing an insatiable curiosity and a passionate drive. She's a potent Force-user, but not a highly skilled one. I started her in Consular with the Sage specialization, as the talents and skills in Sage fit her role as the diplomat for her world and as the padawan and/or spouse of the Jedi Bar'senthor. Because she is the melee damage dealer of the party, she moves to Niman Disciple and puts her high Willpower to work in melee as well as with the Force.
Between Sage and Niman Disciple, Nadia gets a bevy of good social talents; Kill with Kindness, Nobody's Fool, Sense Emotions, and Smooth Talker all beef her up in social situations (and will be a big help during the first part of the module). Through Niman Disciple she gets some great combat talents; ranks in Parry and Reflect, Force Assault to smash foes she misses with her lightsaber attacks, and Draw Closer to pull targets to her for her to slice up with her saberstaff.
I lowered her Lightsaber (Will) skill to only one rank partially because I don't see her as an exceptional combatant but also because she can technically use Draw Closer every round. Doing so will add her Force Rating in Force dice to her attack checks, and she'll be able to add any Force pips she wants to spend on Successes. Nadia really shouldn't have a hard time hitting foes in combat.
Because of all her combat options, I gave her a basic Saberstaff with no modifications for her weapon. With the Linked 1 quality, and all the options for scoring damage (either by hitting with the saber or using Move if the saber misses with enough Advantage or Triumph) adding too much more damage felt too good.
I ended up giving Nadia two Emotional Strengths and Weaknesses; she's compassionate and curious, but she's also prone to reckless behavior and she can be prone to moments of hatred for those who hurt her allies. Her Morality is high at 65; on the road to Light Side paragon, but not quite there yet.
Looking over this sheet I see some typos I need to correct.
Nadia Grell F&D v1.0
What's Next?
Next up is looking at some of the opponents I have, specifically the Force Using ones who could use some of the abilities given in
Force and Destiny. Then I give the module a final polish, add a sidebar for running it with different characters and different Eras, and then it's ready for the public.
I got three weeks. Tops.
Off to work I go.
May the dice be with you.