I've been taking a few days off between projects, and then got steamrolled into a few things which ate up a lot of my writing time. Things seem to be stabilizing, so I can finally get back to writing.
Most recently, I've been putting the polish on my Fallout: Edge of the Wasteland rules and adventure. It's mostly set...mostly. I'm finishing up the equipment rules, and putting some final stat blocks together. Once that's done, it'll be added to the upcoming GamerNationCon 2017 Kickstarter as a reward for backing it. So if you want a copy of that early, go back that Kickstarter when it begins at the end of the month.
But what else do I bring? A Better Man, the same Fallout module I brought last year? Do I write a new Fallout module? I've also been kicking around the idea of a Transformers-themed module, either using FFG's D20 OGL rules called Metamorphosis, or Chris West's Saga Edition based rules. Bringing something for Savage Rifts is appealing, too. Do I write and bring a module for Trinary? The problem with that is context; if folks don't know the world, will they really care about the story? Plus I'd have to decide what system to run it in...
So many choices.
Then I have to figure out what to do about the first two chapters of the Knights of the Rebellion trilogy. Do I bring them? There's only so much of me to go around, figure I've got 7 sessions in me to run; maybe 8. I have to figure that each game should get on the table twice, so unless I got someone else running the module, I can only have four modules max, three being a more likely number.
Lots to ponder, lots to think about.